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PostSubject: The VGA's   The VGA's Icon_minitimeSat Dec 12, 2009 4:58 pm

I'M not talking about female body parts, it's the video game awards! Today at 8:00 the spike VGAs will not only be on my friends birthday, they will also be unveiling a new lucasarts game! OH Snap!

So, who's watching it? And when it goes live, what do you want to see? Reactions? I'll try to keep a tab on awards.

Arkhan Asylum 2 is the big announcement

-jack black won for voiceing for Brutal legend (not mark hamill *cry*)

- Rocksteady, arkhan devs, won studio of the year

- the new star wars game, as announced by samuel Jackson, is: *drumroll*
Dramatic tension
The force unleashed 2???? Didn't see that coming. But it looks great!

- best team sports game (99% developed by EA): NHL 10

- Prince of Persia forgotten sands was announced, and Jake Gylennthaal announced or rather showed off the sands of time movie. Lots sand wouldn't you say?

- Best male performance went to Hugh Jackman in the wolverine game and movie.

- Best independent game went to: Flower. Nice choice, will have to look it up, never heard of it. Nominees were osmos, trials HD, and Splosion man. The Asian guy who explained and accepted the flower award was pretty chill.

- Snoop Dog performed. Meh. If looking dumb was the goal, his dancers succeeded.

- Spec Ops: the line, just looks creepy

- The sporta announcer who announced the best individual game kept getting interrupted and stopped by the PA announcer. Too many perverted jokes. Razz Best Individual Sports game: UFC Undisputed by THQ (since when did they have good games?)

- CRACKDOWN 2 announced

- Modern Warfare 2 was best shooter, and best multiplayer? WTF?

- L4D2 got best 360 game

HALO: Reach unveilved: the promo clip was a bit upsetting to me personally, since it's straying away from Master chief and ODST to gears if war IMO, but what can you tell about a game from a small clip?

- GAME OF THE YEAR: Uncharted 2 among thieves
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PostSubject: Re: The VGA's   The VGA's Icon_minitimeSat Dec 12, 2009 8:31 pm

wow... that was... awfull. i mean, the choices were realy, REALy bad. i would have to disagree with... everything, except the best xbox 360 game...

and how the FRACK is TFu2 an announcment?! It's been public for HOW LONG?!
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PostSubject: Re: The VGA's   The VGA's Icon_minitimeSat Dec 12, 2009 9:24 pm

Tfu2? You're thinking of the Sitg Edition of the original. This was a big just revealed game.
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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: The VGA's   The VGA's Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 10:21 am

OOOH TFU2!!!! Ahahaha, I was thinking Sith Edition! xD I didn't see that coming...
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PostSubject: Re: The VGA's   The VGA's Icon_minitime

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