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 Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09

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Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Empty
PostSubject: Temporary website, Trolls, Delays, and Playtests [11/28/09]   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2009 5:32 pm

Guess who lost the Dreamweaver CD I was supposed to get from my sister? That's right...

So, I'll be resuming work on the old temporary website, the www.clanemp.tk

Once that is up for public consumption, and we'll have those forums link here, we can get cozy and accept members, and I can start work on an actual website. Delays delays.... THEY SUCK!

Also, my dad is gonna be in Russia for the week, so guess who won't be doing homework? Just kidding, I'll be doing homework, but I'll also be playing a bit. I'll be posting in this thread when I go online.

This also means that my friend and I will start doing playtests. Why you may ask? There are reasons why, and sooner or later you'll know, but we're keeping it hush hush for now in case we mega fail.

We've also got a troll on the forums, first troll isn't that great? lolnewmember is our forum troll, so, as the picture indicates, don't feed him. Should he change his malicious troll ways, we'll pardon him of his shameful rank. Should he not... *SWING BANHAMMER*

Well, stay beautiful folks,

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Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 8:39 am

Shocked Exclamation Evil or Very Mad Damn your sister!!!!!

Speaking of which, when it comes to the websites, I still say that we should work on either the REAL site [with dreamweaver (when you get it)], or just work on THIS site. If you dislike it enough to make a new one, just edit it alot. I realy don't think it's necessary to make ANOTHER freewebs site Rolling Eyes

Delays do suck. They realy do.

Shocked He's gonna be in Russia? What's he doing there? Work?

When you say playtests, what do mean, and what are you talking about? Playtests for what?

Haha, Ya, I noticed him. I hate people like that... Rolling Eyes

You too Grev, you to Razz

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PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 4:07 pm

might wanna check this out. my help us get some new recruits.

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PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 5:09 pm

That's a nice thought. Also, the playtests are for a surprise thing, that I expect everyone in the clan will want to participate in, once it's announced and clearly on the board.
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PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 2:51 pm

and grev if you want me to i can sign =EMP= up for centraloutpost.com if you want i wouldnt mind.
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PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 6:27 pm

I wouldn't mind, but I don't think it would be productive.
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PostSubject: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2009 9:53 pm

Hello folks!

The play tests I mentioned before are well on their way (in our minds - procrastination) but we are designing heroes and whatnot, and we are well on our way with the surprise I mentioned last announcement.

Speaking of surprises, the Christmas gift I may or may not have mentioned is being delayed: Crying or Very sad Sorry folks, but the stuff I need to make your gift is being given to me as a gift.... On new years. Soviet Russian parents without religion kinda pays off though, since we get new years and Christmas (january 7th) gifts too. Suckas!

And anyone who has been on the BFH website recently, or not living under a gaming news devoid rock should know that EA has been doing awfully recently. They layed off 16% of the workforce, and disbanded Pandemic and Maxis, among others. With this has come a VP and BF price change that put Bon paying players at a rather huge disadvantage. Ducky, if you like the ocket launcher, don't come back until I say it's safe. Now rioters are in the streets over the new über weapons, due to DICES claims of "no buying advantages". The new widget pruces and new widgets are also hated by the community. December has been a bad month for BFH.

Hopefully, good news will follow (yikes, news auto corrected to a certain religion, made me seem very anti semetic for a second there) :O

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Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 12, 2009 3:40 pm

ok, first of all, who are you doing this "play testing" with? Second of all, will you just tell us what it is? Or at least a select few of us what it is? Wink

Let me geusse, the present was gonna be then new site/Dreamweaver? Or am I tootally far off?
2 Christmas's?! Soviet parents? No religion [like moi]? Cool. Very awsome Cool
16%?! I didn't actually know that... MAXIS?! NOOOOOO! Why is EA hurting so bad? OR are most video game copmanies going down? lol, I've heard a bit about the prices, but I didn't realise htey were that bad. That realy sucks though. =O I DO like the rocket launcher!! How did you know?!... weird... your phsycic just like me...
Well, at least that gives me a legitimate exuse to sneak over to TF2 and partake in the Demo/Soldier War... Very Happy Cool

better news will come with the Lucas Arts announcment tonight!!! W0000000t!!! Star Wars Legends WHAT ARE YOOOU?! BTW, what do you mean by "news auto corrected to a certain religion"?
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Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 12, 2009 4:34 pm

A) my friends

B) don't open gifts early

C) Attempting to include religion parents, celebrated new yaers and now Christmas too.

D) yup, the prices are tough, and the new weapons are tougher. Poor people.
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PostSubject: Re: Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09   Playtests, holidays, and the French revolution 12/11/09 Icon_minitime

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